
photo by Laurence Ellis

Kumiko Watari

migh-T by Kumiko Watari, AW 2011 "Hidden World"
She translates whimsical hand-drawn prints of spiders and snakes into dresses.
I like the quirky cardigan snakes printed on.

Sensual Scent

Marc Jacobs BANG campaign for the 2010 shot by Juergen Teller.
Tom Ford's Neroli Portofino bath and body collection campaign for the 2011.

Invisible by Flower

Inspired found imagery
Left - Delaney Allen / Right - Sarah Moon

* W1 Secret Pl.

My imaginative place W1, used some of Tim Walker's fairy-tale photos.

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is a British fashion photographer.
Totally fell in love with his theatrical and imaginative photographs.

* OWL in the daytime

I looked at a clear sky and there was an OWL in the city.
Yes..it was just an antenna.

* Chocolate after Espresso

You can find inspiration in everything.

Such an inspirational book by Paul Smith

* Monmouth Coffee

Can you see the queue?
One of the best coffee in London !
The shop is near Borough Market, 
you can also enjoy a delicious coffee at Covent Garden shop.

* Hungry

When I am really hungry,
the moment waiting for food,
I starts eating up thought, just lose my mind.

Propaganda (프로파간다)

Propaganda is Seoul-based graphic design studio in South Korea.
They work on a wide range of projects mainly for the film, theatre and calligraphy.
I do love their experimental typography in vintage-style posters.


" Cappuccino + Flan Normand "
One of my favourite place to enjoy something for sweet with coffee

PAUL in Wimbledon Hill

* Spring is just around the corner

Monday morning : 30min's walk in the spring of 2009
I encountered the spring.

Guy Bourdin

Guy Bourdin is a French fashion photographer.
Bourdin was the first photographer to create a complex narrative, then snatch a moment.
The narratives were strange and mysterious, sometimes full of violence, sexuality, and surrealism.


I stumbled upon Ben L'oncle Soul when I was browsing the iTunes Store. I had no idea about him before just liked the album sleeve, 
it is also great soul music. A bit surprised thing, he is a Frenchman not American I expected.

* Memory and Trace

Never Let Me Go.

A film 'Never Let Me Go' 3 separate character posters side by side look gorgeous.


A colour of yellow in film posters 'Little Miss Sunshine' and 'Everything Is Illuminated'.
'Little Miss Sunshine' is one of my favourite film and poster design. It is quirky indie comedy yet touching at the end and 
I love the film score 'the winner is' echoed in my mind when I see the film poster.
 'Everything Is Illuminated' the last scene in sunflower field is very impressive.

Fantastic Man

Fantastic Man is the semi-annual menswear fashion magazine aiming for reinventing 'the gentleman's style journal'.
Black and white photogaphy with the award-winning layouts looks just fantastic and I like the concept 
of magazine featuring inspiring men in clothes rather than models in fashion.

* The last day of April.

08:37 pm